Halimium ocymoides 'Sandling
Form' Evergreen shrub that loves sun and free-draining soil. The spreading,olive
green foliage bears large single flowers of golden-yellow with distinct red blotches,flowering time April to June. 3 litre pot £8.50
Heptacodium miconioides
'Seven Son Flower Of Zhejiang'. Vigorous shrub or small tree,attractive peeling light brown bark. The small
fragrant flowers are produced in panicles from late summer to late autumnand are followed by rose-pink to purple calyx segments.
3 litre pot £19.50
Hoheria glabrata 'Glory Of Almwych'
Beautiful evergreen large shrub or small tree. The arching branches bear cymes
of pure white flowers in profusion in summer against the background of glossy evergreen foliage. 2 litre pot £14
Hoheria angustifolia (Tom Spring Smith form)
Evergreen shrub having very small evergreen leavesand an open,spreading
habit with pendulous branches.. The cymes of white flowers are profusely borne mid to late summer. Height in excess of 3 metres. 2 litre pot £14
Hoheria sexstylosa 'Pendula' Pendulous
small to medium size evergreen tree,the arching branches clothed with white flowers in Summer. 2 litre
pot £14

Hoheria sexstylosa 'Stardust' Evergreen tree having glossy green foliage and pure white flowers borne in Summer in profusion,slightly arching in
growth giving a goblet-like appearance to the mature shape. 2 litre pot £14
Holboellia brachyandra Vigorous
climbing evergreen shrub having glossy green foliage,the clusters of white flowers are produced from Spring to early Summer. 4 litre pot £18
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'
Very free-flowering species of Hydrangea, the large rounded flower heads start green-white then becoming pure white
to cream from July to October. Sun or partial shade. Height up to 2 metres.
3 litre
pot £12.00

Hydrangea aspera 'Belle Vue' Spectacular large leaves and flowers on this choice variety the heads of lacecap flowers are mauvy-pink in the centre
with lilac-pink to blue florets. 5 litre pot £18

Hydrangea aspera 'Sam McDonald' Free-flowering variety of this lovely Hydrangea species. Spreading branches of soft green foliage with lacecap flowers
of mauvy-pink centres and lilac-blue to blue florets in Summer and Autumn. 5 litre pot £18
Hydrangea 'Ayesha' The florets of this Hydrangea are inward curving and as a result give the flower the ditinct appearance of a Syringa
flower,colour is another aspect of the attraction of this variety,starting pale mauve-pink and deepening as the flower matures.
3 litre pot £14.00
Hydrangea hortensia 'Glyn Church'
Large rrounded heads of flower start pure white in June and become gradually pinker through the summer fading to
deep red in autumn.
3 litre pot £14.00

Hydrangea paniculata 'Floribunda' Excellent late flowering shrub,the upright cones of flower are creamy-white taking on pink shades as they mature,flowering
time July to October. 3 litre pot £14.00
Hydrangea serrata 'Cap Sizan'
Lovely serrata form having delicate,soft pink flowers in profusion for a long period in summer and
through to autumn. Neat and compact in habit.
3 litre pot

Idesia polycarpa
Spreading,deciduous tree having large heart-shaped leaves. Large,pendulous panicles of small,fragrant yellow-green
flowers are borne in midsummer followed by red berries on female plants.
litre pot £22.50

Kalopanax septemlobus (pictus) Quite exotic in appearance but actually quite a hardy small tree.Attractive stems that are spiny when young and large
interesting foliage for the exotic garden. 5 litre pot £20

Lagerstroemia 'Cedar Lane Red' Deciduous small tree or large shrub,wonderful foliage on which the new growth is clear,glossy red. The rich red flowers appear late Summer to Autumn. Reasonably hardy but may require a sheltered position in frost
prone areas perhaps grown next to a warm wall.
Lagerstroemia indica 'Violet' Beautiful
deciduous tree for a warm sunny spot. The large paniclles of violet flowers are freely borne from August on established specimens. 2 litre pot £14

Lapageria rosea
'Chilean Bell Flower'-choice climber for shaded, sheltered wall or conservatory.Deep pink to red waxy tubular
flowers in summer and autumn.

Lapageria rosea 'Albiflora'
The white form of the much sought-after Chilean Bell Flower.