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Catalogue Page 5

Shrubs A-Z 

Daphne acutiloba 'Fragrant Cloud'

Large lanceolate glossy green leaves,fragrant white flowers from April.Height to about 1 metre.


Daphne bholua 'Garden House Ghost'

Superb,pure white form of this,the best of winter flowering shrubs,the flowers in profusion from January with a wonderful,rich scent.Tall and upright to 3 metre.





Daphne bholua 'Gurkha'

Noted to be the hardiest of Daphne bholua types,the richly scented,white flushed mauve pink flowers are usually borne on bare branches from January. Tall and upright in growth to 3 metre



Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill'

Large glossy evergreen leaves,richly fragrant pink budded white flowers start as early as January.Tall upright bush to 2 metres or more.




Daphne bholua 'Limpsfield '
Similar in many ways to Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' but perhaps slightly better in all respects. Glossy,evergreen large lanceolate leaves. Superbly scented flowers,rich pink in bud opening paler from January or even as early as Christmas.
A large,dense shrub,fairly upright in growth 2-3 metres.


Daphne bholua 'Mary Rose'

Quite a recent introduction but probably the pinkest bholua yet produced,the richly scented flowers start opening in January and were still evident with us in April, wonderful scent. Glossy foliage,upright habit to 3 metres

2 litre pot  £35






Daphne (bholua) 'Spring Beauty'
Actually a hybrid of Daphne bholua 'Sir Peter Smithers' and Daphne sombreil which has produced a wonderful plant having fragrant pink flowers between the end of January and the end of March or perhaps into April. Evergreen and strong in growth,proving quite hardy with us.


Daphne blagayana

Olive-green evergreen foliage against which the pure white flowers open from early Spring. Superb scent. Spreading habit 45-60 centimetres.





Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset Variegated'

Profuse clusters of flower in April are rich pink in bud opening pale pink to white,richly scented and borne against attractive green and golden yellow variegated foliage. Upright growth when young becoming more spreading with age. 1-1.2 metres.



Daphne calcicola x gemmata

This cross of two golden-yellow flowering forms makes an excellent shrub of good vigour,growth is arching and spreading and the profusion of golden-yellow flowers appears first in Spring but flowers continue to appear throughout the growing season. 60-90 centimetres.




Daphne x hendersonii 'Apple Blossom'

Small,spreading evergreen shrub suited to rock garden or raised bed. The pale pink,intensely fragrant flowers are borne profusely in spring and often repeat later in the growing season. Height and spead to 30-45 centimetres.


Daphne jasminea

Fairly upright in growth with tiny mid-green leaves,the white flowers are produced April/May and then sporadically through the growing season.


Daphne laureola 'Margaret Matthew'

Large,glossy evergreen leaves,yellow flowers borne profusely up the stems in spring.Neat,compact habit.Suitable for a shady site.


Daphne laureola subsp. phillipi

Glossy,lush green evergreen foliage,the pale green to cream flowers borne in profusion along the stems from February. Neat,compact habit 60-90 centimetres.

2 litre pot  £18.00

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West Sussex.
RH14 0NY.
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