Charleshurst Farm Nursery

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Catalogue Page 12

Herbaceous,woodland and alpine plants A-Z



Antirrhinum molle

Perennial Antirrhinum has grey spreading foliage,white 'Snapdragon' flowers all summer.Sunny,well drained site.Pink form also available.
2 litre pot    £6.00


Arisaema candidissimum

Tuberous perennial for a shady position. Probably the best of the 'Cobra Lilies' with regard to flower and temperament,the pink striped large white spathes have a lovely scent,new growth doesn't start until often well into May but flower arises quickly after as well as large glossy foliage. Will naturalise in a rock garden situation where there is plenty of good drainage,happy in sun unlike other Arisaemas.
1 litre pot  £12.50


Arisaema ringens

Aroid producing extraordinary spathes of hooded green/cream  from March/April. Well-drained soil in shade.

2 litre pot  £10




Bletilla striata (soft pink form)

A hardy Orchid having long,lanceolate leaves and stems of lovely soft pink flowers,normally in Summer.

Hardy and easy to grow.

2 litre pot   £10.00







Cautleya spicata robusta 'Arun Flame'

The dark red stems of this exotic-looking plant can grow to 90 centimetres and are wrapped in long,narrow Canna-like leaves. Each stem is topped with a spike a spike of yellow-orange flowers with red bracts. Easier to grow and much hardier than the related but more tender Hedychiums (Ginger) Cautleya spicata has been noted as managing some quite severe winter conditions. Flowers August to October

3 litre pot   £10



Crocosmia 'Eastern Princess'

'Montbretia'-like growth and this variety has flowers of deep orangey-red over a long period in summer.
3 litre pot  £10


Dierama pulcherrimum 'Blackbird'

'Angels Fishing Rods'. Tall,grass-like foliage and arching,flower spikes having pendulous racemes of graceful wine-red to deep purple flowers. Much sought-after herbaceous perennial.  
3 litre pot  £12


Dierama in Variety

 A good range of Dierama in a variety of colours ranging from deep purple through deep and soft pink to almost pure white.


3 litre pot  £12



Dierama igneum

Flowers on this medium grower are best described as salmon pink on tall arching stems in Summer.



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Charleshurst farm Nursery,
Loxwood Road,
West Sussex.
RH14 0NY.
Tel: 01403 752273  e-mail: