Charleshurst Farm Nursery

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Catalogue Page 13

Woodland and Herbaceous Plants A-Z


Diascia rigescens

Well-known as a bedding plant but this species has peoved to be quite hardy when left out over winter. 

Very free-flowering,upright and spreading growth bears pink flowers in profusion in Summer and Autumn.

2 litre pot  £8.50


Euphorbia x pasteuri 'John Phillips'

An easy-growing but beautifully architectural plant. The long,glossy green leaves usually remain on the plant during winter. The heads of cream/yellow flowers are honey scented and very attractive to Bees.
3 litre pot  £12.00  7.5 litre pot  £20


Galium odoratum

Delightful plant for ground cover in shade or woodland,the lush green foliage is topped with fluffy heads of pure white flowers. Even a difficult dry shade situation might be okay for this plant.

1 litre pot   £5



Gaura 'Whirligig White'
Not the hardiest of herbaceous plants but invaluable for its tall spikes of white flowers continuously through summer and autumn.
2 litre pot  £8.50


Iris chrysographes 'Black Knight'

The flowers of this Iris are deepest darkest purple,almost black,freely borne May/June.

2 litre pot  £10



Kniphofia rooperi

A spectacular sight in late Summer and Autumn,the tall (1.5 metres) spikes of rich red/orange flowers make a great display amongst other,lower growing herbaceous plants.

2 litre pot    £10.00


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Charleshurst Farm Nursery,
Loxwood Road,
West Sussex.
RH14 0NY.
Tel: 01403 752273  e-mail: