Roscoea 'Monique'
stems of lush green foliage,the white flowers are tinged with pale mauve and appear in summer. Shady spot. 2 litre pot £10.00
Roscoea purpurea 'Red Gurkha' Woodland perennial,stout stems of lush green foliage have a bamboo-like appearance and start appearing in May. The
bright red flowers are borne at the top of the stems in Summer when the stems also have a distinct red flush.
Salvia patens Not the hardiest woody Salvia by any means but still find there is much demand for this species with its eye-catching
rich blue flowers Summer to Autumn 3 litre pot £10
Salvia chamaedryoides var.isochroma
silver form. Combining the pleasing combination of silver-grey foliage
with rich blue flowers this Salvia is quite hardy and like other Salvias will flower through all of the growing period. 2 litre pot £8.50
Salvia 'Royal Bumble' Amongst the huge range of Salvias available now,this one rates as one of the best,the bright red flowers continue
from April to November and the mounds of shrubby growth seem perfectly hardy,this one happily growing in our own garden foe
the past ten years. 2 litre pot £8.50

Trillium kurabayashii
This lovely woodlander will often naturlise in suitable situations. The attractively blotched foliage starts appearing
in early Spring and the rich red flowers soon follow.

Watsonia marlolothii Lovely
South African herbaceous plant for a sunny,hot border. The spires of richest orange-red flowers are borne in Summer above
soft,sword-like grassy foliage, 3 litre pot £14.00
Weldenia candida Interesting
alpine plant,pure white flowers borne above glossy green foliage for a long period in summer.Good drainage essential for winter
survival outside. 1 litre pot £10