Charleshurst Farm Nursery

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Catalogue Page 10

Shrubs A-Z


Picrasma quassioides

Hardy small tree having attractive foliage that colours well in the Autumn turning yellow,oramge and red.

5 litre pot  £20.00

Platycrater arguta

Interesting deciduous from the Hydrangea family,grown for its eye-catching white,four-petalled flowers in mid summer.
5 litre pot  £18

Prunus incisa 'The Bride'

Delightful small tree is stunning when covered in pure white flowers in April. Brilliant orange/red Autumn foliage colour too.

5 litre pot  £25



Pseudopanax crassifolius

Extroadinary and exotic appearance,this shrub has an upright habit,the very long,linear leaves hang from the upright stems and tend towards a bronze/purple hue.

 4 litre pot £25



Pterostyrax psilophyllus var.levellei

Known as 'Fishtail' this well describes the pure white flowers that hang from the branches in early Summer on this deciduous small tree.




Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'

A beautiful rambling rose suitable for a sunny wall or growing through a tree. Vigorous growth of glossy green leaves,the rounded heads of golden-yellow flowers appear from late Spring and make a spectacular display. Beautifully fragrant too

3 litre pot  £14.00



Rosa banksia var.normalis

The white form of the Banksian Rose,famtastic scent quite early in the season April-June.

3 litre pot  £14.00


Romneya coulteri 'White Cloud'

'Californian Tree Poppy'. Best grown near a warm sunny wall in well-composted soil this is a spreading shrub with attractive glaucous foliage and open,papery pure white flowers borne over a long period in summer
5 litre pot  £20


Salix exigua

Long,lanceolate leaves are a delightful silvery-grey making this shrub stand out. Can be grown as a tree with a clear stem or pruned to make a more natural bush shape.


3 litre pot  £12.00


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Charleshurst Farm Nursery,
Loxwood Road,
West Sussex.
RH14 0NY.
Tel: 01403 752273  e-mail: