Prunus incisa 'The Bride' Delightful
small tree is stunning when covered in pure white flowers in April. Brilliant orange/red Autumn foliage colour too.
5 litre pot £25

Pseudopanax crassifolius var.trifoliatus Extroadinary and exotic appearance,this shrub has an upright habit,the very long,linear leaves hang from the upright
stems and tend towards a bronze/purple hue. 2 litre pot £18.00
Pseodopanax crassifolius 'Chainsaw' The dark,linear
foliage carries many soft 'teeth' giving this small tree a unique appearance. 2 litre
pot £20
Pseodopanax linarifolius Strong
in growth,this species of 'Lancewood' has long,deep purple/green leaves with many 'teeth' giving a unique
and exotic appearance. 2 litre pot £20
Pseodopanax 'Sabre'
Long,glossy bronze purple leaves,an attractive addition to the
hardy exotic range. 2 litre pot £20

Rosa banksiae 'Lutea' A beautiful rambling rose suitable for a sunny wall or growing through a tree. Vigorous growth
of glossy green leaves,the rounded heads of golden-yellow flowers appear from late Spring and make a spectacular display.
Beautifully fragrant too
3 litre pot £14.00
Rosa banksia var.normalis The
white form of the Banksian Rose,famtastic scent quite early in the season April-June. 3 litre
pot £14.00
Romneya coulteri 'White Cloud'
'Californian Tree Poppy'. Best grown near
a warm sunny wall in well-composted soil this is a spreading shrub with attractive glaucous foliage and open,papery pure white
flowers borne over a long period in summer
Salix exigua Long,lanceolate
leaves are a delightful silvery-grey making this shrub stand out. Can be grown as a tree with a clear stem or pruned to make
a more natural bush shape. 3 litre pot £12.00